
Welcome to Cache Smart

Since Congress enacted section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code in 1978, workers in the U.S. have been increasingly responsible for the planning and execution of their own retirement. Unfortunately, most individuals lack the resources to pay an expert to help manage their retirement, so they must do it themselves even if they lack the time, knowledge, or experience needed. In short, many individuals are left on their own.

Cache Smart was founded on the idea of providing sophisticated, thorough, yet easy-to-use and affordable tools to everybody, regardless of their experience, education, savings status, or where they are with respect to retirement. Our vision is to develop and provide these tools to enable our users to explore and plan for every conceivable issue that may arise in retirement planning.

Our first thought was to give people a snapshot of how they are doing with their retirement plan. The idea is to incorporate current reality, future plans, and user assumptions to answer the fundamental question most people really want to know about their savings, “How long will it last?” This is why we developed the first offering in our product line, WealthProbe. Although it doesn’t attempt to replace a paid investment or tax advisor, it does allow the user to access critical individualized information to answer that important question as applied to their own, unique situation.

Among other things, it also monitors your ability to pay your expenses, alerting you to a cash shortage and asking which of your non-liquid assets you’d like sell to cover the bills. WealthProbe’s inherent flexibility makes changes to inputs easy, allowing you to quickly probe the effects of those changes and develop a realistic plan of action from there.

We have included a ‘Help’ section within WealthProbe as well as additional information as you go through the code that is pertinent to the screen currently showing. We hope we have anticipated most of your questions, but if you a question pertaining to WealthProbe that you cannot easily find, please send it to us via the WealthProbe Contact form on the WealthProbe website. I you have a question or issue of a corporate nature, please send it to us using the contact form on this website.